Welcome home to
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
"To build up one another in Christ"
Come, join us - Everyone is welcome!
Holy Eucharist: Sunday Mornings - 9:00am & 11:00am
Holy Eucharist with Healing Liturgy: Wednesday Mornings - 12:00pm
Serve - with us
Children's Ministry Leaders
Serving on a rotating schedule, our Children's Ministry Leaders guide our children on their journey with Jesus through our Children's Chapel and Children's Sunday School programs. Classes are taught using a variety of methods that captivate the children.
Contact: Mother Leanne

Adult Formation Leaders
Adult Formation Leaders provide classes to enhance our growth in Christian faith and commitment as disciples of Jesus Christ. The Bible and as well as other materials are used in our class offerings.
Contact: Mother Leanne
Acolytes enhance our worship services by carrying a processional cross (crucifers), lighting and extinguishing the altar candles, and ringing of the church bell to call the congregation to worship.
Contact: St. Mary's Office
Lectors (Readers)
Lectors assist in all services by reading the Old Testament, Psalm and Epistle readings assigned in the lectionary. They also lead the congregation in The Prayers of the People.
Contact: St. Mary's Office
Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers)
Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the bishop to assist the priest in serving the chalice at the Holy Eucharist.
Contact: St. Mary's Office

Choir and
Music Ministry
Each Sunday throughout the year, our choir leads us in beautiful arrangements under the direction of our music director, Sam Klauss. The musical experience provided to us by our choir enhances and deepens our spiritual experience.
Contact: Sam Klauss

Ushers greet and welcome everyone as well as provide guidance and direction to those visiting or who are encountering Episcopal worship for the first time. The also assist during the worship service with the collection and assist parishioners during communion.
Contact: St. Mary's Office
Hand Bell Choir
St. Mary's is extremely blessed to have our Bell Choir provide exquisite and moving arrangements for Christmas, Easter, and occasionally on Sunday's. No prior bell experience is needed to be a part of the Bell Choir.
Contact: Jean Gillis
Altar Guild
This dedicated team of volunteers set the altar for all worship services based on the church season, care for the linens, and maintain all ceremonial objects used in worship.
Contact: Candy Guyre
Flower Guild
This talented group of parishioners create the beautiful floral arrangements that adorn our altar each week.
Contact: Ann Cole
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
LEM's are lay people who have been licensed to administer communion those who are unable to the Eucharistic service due to illness. They may also be called upon to help administer the eucharist during services at the direction of the celebrant.
Contact: St. Mary's Office

Pastoral Care Team
Pastoral care is a laity group who respond to the human needs of our members, including hospital visitation, ministries of shared presence, listening, support, and other needs of our church family.
Contact: Ann Cole
Feeding the 5,000
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry provides donated non-parishable food items to members of the community that are in need. Volunteers are needed to put the bags of food together as well as distribute it to our patrons.
Contact: Al Salinas
Meal Ministry
Using the app, Meal Train, the Meal Ministry provides meals to members of our parish that are suffering from illness, recovering from surgery, birth of a child, death of a loved one or other circumstances.
Contact: Caroline Thompson
Media Ministry
This dedicated team is responsible for all printed and online communications. They create and/or maintain graphics, announcements, ads, postcards, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,
St. Mary's website, as well as other items that keep the parish informed.
Contact: Melodie Rowland
Children's Book Nook
Take a book, give a book! The Children's Book Nook is located just outside of Parish Hall. Children are invited to take books to read. All are welcome to donate appropriate children's books.
Contact: Pam Causey

Community Garden
St. Mary's provides gardening boxes to members of the Milton community so they may grow healthy fresh vegetables.
Contact: Vicki Whitfield