Welcome home to
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
"To build up one another in Christ"
Come, join us - Everyone is welcome!
Holy Eucharist: Sunday Mornings - 9:00am & 11:00am
Holy Eucharist with Healing Liturgy: Wednesday Mornings - 12:00pm
Grow - with us
Children's Chapel
During the 11:00am Worship Service, our children walk to Parish Hall to attend Children's Chapel. They learn in a fun environment while focusing on God's love for them.
Contact: Mother Leanne

Children's Sunday School
Held in the Parish Hall each Sunday at 10:15am, our children learn about God through art, music, science, and reading themes.
Contact: Mother Leanne
Youth Group
Middle School and High School students join together to build and share their love for God while enjoying great fun and fellowship with their peers.
Contact: Mother Leanne

Adult Bible Study
Come, deepen your faith by exploring the depths of wisdom and spirituality in our Bible study sessions each Wednesday.
Contact: Caroline Thompson

Centering Prayer
Join us for this beautiful form of contemplative prayer, centering your awareness on the presence of God. As way to deepen one's relationship with Christ, Centering Prayer is based on Lectio Divina.
Contact: Caroline Thompson